Milan Furniture Fair 2012

Wow! as always I was blown away by all the amazing designs I saw at the Milan Furniture fair… and so many!! I found the fair a bit less “grand” than last year but nonetheless inspiring and focused. Below is a short insight into my favorite pieces of bathroom design at Milan ’12 …

I love these Basins. I was almost expecting to see a lemon soufflé appear out of one of these bowls! I do think they are also quite elegant as well – they are made from Flaminia – one of my favorite sanitaware company. The material is soft & pliable – so playful and innovative for bathrooms – very refreshing to see new materials being used.

This on the other hand I would not call elegant… more like going back to basics…I couldn’t resist showing you, it has a beauty of it’s own. Its from Rapsel, a company known to push the boundaries of design. Respect!

And..I just had to show you this one..

I thought this made a refreshing change from tiled bathroom walls. Funky, don’t you think? The 60’s and 70’s (which were quite dominant throughout last year exibition) are still lingering around…

This bathroom felt very wonderfully warm and sensual to me. Amazing how much bolder designers are becoming with lighting in the bathroom. Look how close it is to the water! A stunning feature.

Obviously this was just a snapshot from the fair. I have spotted quite a lot of trends, which I will talk you through in the next blogs. Stay tuned….


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